During its first two program years (2021-2023), the Palisades Main Street directed more than $160,000 in funding to Palisades small businesses in the form of grants. The Palisades Main Street aims for 100 percent business outreach using both digital and printed collateral so that all business owners can be informed.
The Palisades Main Street will solicit grant proposals from small businesses through a competitive process. Small business owners can apply for a grant for technical assistance, including relief/recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects. Small business owners can apply for a grant to cover costs related to business branding and marketing (e.g., business model strategy redesigning and pivoting; business continuity plan development; strengthening of digital retail experiences including e-commerce platforms and/or online shops to bolster brick-and- mortar businesses; new marketing efforts including radio, TV, print ads); financial basics (e.g., accounting; cash flow issues), small business essentials (e.g., creation and revision of business plans; exploration of new markets; grant readiness; legal assistance); and any other small business assistance needed for reasons related to relief/recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects.
The Palisades Main Street Advisory Board will review all applications on a rolling basis and vote upon all awards.
If you are a local business owner in the Palisades commercial corridor, click here to learn more! This link will view or download a PDF document that will explain the grants process.
The grants program is now open and grants are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions!
If you need assistance, including help in another language, please contact us by email, text, or phone.